2012-10-06 - New Neighborhood Loop


~7.3 miles @ ~10.8 min/mi

The Moon overhead glows a few degrees away from Jupiter. Down to Rock Creek via National Park Seminary. Startle a big deer on Ireland Dr. Trot to Candy Cane City a bit too fast to make the 0730 rendezvous, and then wait for the group to get ready. Emaad Burki and Barry Smith trail behind and chat. Megan O'Rourke in sable lycra and Ken Swab in verdant Bull Run shirt discuss ITB treatment: Ken advises doing less than half one's mileage during a weekly long run, perhaps the inverse of my 1/f Power Spectrum Running strategy. At West Beach Dr I branch off and push the pace solo to get home early so I can visit the Silver Spring Farmer's Market in timely fashion. Up the hills along North Portal Dr, 16th St, and Second Av, sprinting the sidewalk stairs and greeting dog-walkers and bored pedestrians. Garmin GPS mile splits 9:57 + 9:31 + 9:08 + 18:26 (waiting for the gang) + 10:00 + 9:40 + 9:08 and a fraction at sub-9 to finish up. Runkeeper app concurs.

^z - 2012-10-17